
Plnohodnotný dům z dřevěné švýcarské stavebnice. Zvládne malý domek i větší dům s více patry.

Kropf, Schwarzsee

Peter Thalman, construction biologist / economist with diploma Schwarzsee was selected for the construction of the family STEKO goiter, Schwarzsee. The walls were blown out with, „JASMINE“, the organic insulating material made of natural wood shavings and clay. The building owner Peter Kropf and his colleagues were as construction helper highly desirable and could provide thousands of francs for its own activities.

Welter, Leichlingen

Red STEKO-House
Family Welter in 42799 Leichlingen Dierath

Residential house with housing unit and around 260 m² living space
Year of construction: 2007 / 2008

Kalbermatten, Glis

Kalbermatten in 3902 Glis (Wallis)

Year of construction: 2011

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